
At Pakuranga Heights School we provide children with an education that will prepare them for their future. We aspire to develop lifelong learners who have the attitudes, dispositions and skills to adapt to our ever changing world. Through our innovative curriculum design and delivery, we develop learners who are problem solvers, communicators, challenge takers, thinkers and team players.
We hold new parent meetings, including a school tour, twice a term on a Thursday morning at 9:30am. These are usually held in the 4th and 8th weeks of the term. The upcoming dates for these can be found in our calendar. Please phone the school office on 576 9209 for more information or to register your attendance.
To enrol your child at Pakuranga Heights School please do so via one of the following options:
Option 1: Online Enrolment
Follow the link below to complete your child's enrolment online.
Please note you will be asked to upload copies of your child's birth certificate or passport, immunisation certificate (if available) and student visa or proof of residence (if born outside New Zealand).
Option 2: Physical Enrolment Forms
If you would prefer not to complete the online enrolment form you can download and complete the forms below and either drop them into the school office or email them to office@pakurangaheights.school.nz.
If you do not have access to a printer you can pop in to the school office between 8am and 4pm on school days to collect an enrolment pack.
To complete your childs enrolment it is essential that we have the following documentation accompanying the enrolment:
- Copy of your child's birth certificate/passport
- Copy of your child's immunisation certificate
- Completed Digital Citizenship Agreement (download file below)
- Completed EOTC Consent Form (download file below)
- If your child was born overseas we will require proof of Residency or Student Visa for your child
Top Start Enrolment (for more information on Top Start click here)