The Buzz Code - Behaviour Management Plan

The Buzz Code is Pakuranga Heights new approach to behaviour management. The Buzz Code takes the approach that opportunities for learning and achievement increase if:
- the school environment is positive and supportive
- expectations are consistently clear
- students are consistently taught expected behaviours
- expected behaviours are consistently acknowledged
- inappropriate behaviours are consistently responded to in a fair and equitable way.
At the heart of the Buzz Code is the principle that acknowledging and encouraging positive behaviour is more effective than punishing negative behaviour.
Positive behaviour is centered around our four values:
- Respect
- Responsibility
- Honesty
- Kindness
We have established clear expectations for the behaviour we expect in all areas of our school in relation to these values. We will teach these expectations to the students and reward them frequently with our in-class and out-of-class rewards systems. The expectations for all student behaviour will be clear throughout our learning.
Students can achieve Good Buzz tickets when demonstrating our values. These are placed in their house boxes in the office and individual prizes are drawn at values and whole school assemblies. On top of this, each Good Buzz earns a point for their house. The house with the most points at the middle of the term earns extra play and the house with the most points at the end of term wins a free mufti day.
Sitting alongside the frequent encouragement of appropriate behaviour, are clear guidelines for what constitutes inappropriate behaviour and how this is dealt with. This is summarised in the flowchart below. More detailed definitions of minor, major and crisis behaviour and the steps taken for each are available on request from the SENCO.